Apex Fencing — Davidson County Fencing Company
In addition to the Davidson County metro area we offer Fencing services for the following communities:
Abner, Advance, Alamance, Alamance Hills Subdivision, Albemarle, Allen Jay, Allreds, Alspaugh, Altamahaw, Anderson Heights, Ansonville, Aquadale, Arbor Acres, Arcadia, Archdale, Ardmore, Arnold, Asbury, Asheboro, Atwood, Atwood Acres, Aumans Crossroads, Badin, Bakertown, Bannertown, Barber, Barriers Mill, Bear Creek, Beeson Crossroads, Belews Creek, Bellemeade, Bellemont, Bells, Benaja, Bending Brook, Bennett, Bermuda Run, Bessemer, Bethania, Bethania Station, Bethany, Bethesda, Bethney Heights, Big Lick, Biscoe, Bixby, Blacknel, Blaine, Bloomington, Bon Air, Bonanza Hills, Bonlee, Booetown, Brightwood, Brinkley Estates, Brook Cove, Brookwood, Brookwood Subdivision, Browns Crossroads, Browns Summit, Bryans Woods, Burke Park, Burlington, Bynum, Calvander, Cameron, Canaan Park, Candor, Capels Mill, Capelsie, Capernium, Carbonton, Carolina, Carolina Forest, Carrboro, Carthage, Cedar Falls, Cedar Forest Estates, Cedar Hill, Cedar Knolls, Cedar Village, Central Falls, Centurion Park, Ceramic, Chapel Hill, Cheeks, Cheeks Crossroads, Chestnut Trails, China Grove, Choyce Acres, Churchland, Cid, Cinnamon Ridge, Cityview, Clemmons, Clemmons Station, Clemmons West, Climax, Clover Fork Acres, Clover Garden, Coggins Mine, Cold Water, Coleridge, Colfax, Colon, Coltranes Mill, Columbia Heights, Complex, Cooleemee, Cooleemee Junction, Cornatzer, Correll Park, Cotton Grove, Cottonville, Country Club Estates, Country Cove, Country Place, Cowans Ferry, Craven, Creadmore, Creek View, Creekwood Acres, Crescent, Crestwood, Crims Crossroads, Crutchfield Crossroads, Cumnock, Currytown, Davie Crossroads, Davie Gardens, Day Acres, Deep River, Dennis, Denton, Derby, Dickerson Estates, Dilhast, Dodsons Crossroads, Dogwood Acres, Dorchester, Eagle Springs, East Spencer, East White Oak, East Winston, Eastbronk, Eastern Heights, Easton View, Eastwood Park, Ebenezers, Edgar, Edgeville, Edgewood Terrace, Efland, Elbaville, Elberta, Eldorado, Eleazer, Eli Whitney, Ellerbe, Ellis Crossroads, Elon, Emerald Shores, Emery, Emorywood Estates, Endy, Enterprise, Ephesus, Erlanger, Erwin Heights, Ether, Eureka Mills, Ex-Way, Fair Grove, Fairchild Heights Subdivision, Faith, Farmer, Farmland Acres, Farrington, Fearrington, Fearrington Village, Feezor, Finger, Fisher Park, Flint Hill, Florence, Florence Town, Forest Drive, Forest Oaks, Fork, Four Seasons, Foushee, Foxcroff, Foxfire, Franklinville, Freeman Mill, Freewood Acres, Friedburg, Friendship, Frog Pond, Frohock Mill site, Frontis, Fuller Mill, Fullerdale, Fulp, Garners Store, Garren Hill, Georgetown Condominiums, Georgeville, Germanton, Gibsonville, Glen Anna, Glen High Estates, Glen Raven, Glencoe, Glendon, Glenola, Gold Hill, Goldston, Gordontown, Graham, Granite Quarry, Grapewood, Grays Chapel, Green Level, Green Needles, Greensboro, Greenwood Park, Greesons Crossroads, Greystone Forest, Groometown, Guilford, Guilford College, Gulf, Gum Springs, Gum Tree, Guthrie, Halls Ferry Junction, Hamilton Lakes, Hamlet Lakes, Handy, Hanes, Hariston, Harmony Grove, Harpers Crossroads, Harrisville, Haw Branch, Haw River, Hawfields, Haywood, Healing Springs, Heathwood, Hedrick Grove, Heidleberg Settlement, Heilmans Mill, Hendrick Estates, Hickory Hill, High Falls, High Point, High Rock, High Rock Mountain Shores, Highland Park West, Hill Crest, Hills, Hillsdale, Hilltop, Holiday Shores, Holly Acres, Holly Grove, Holly Park, Homestead Acres, Hootstown, Hopedale, Horneytown, Hunter Meadows, Hunters Trace, Immer, Ingram, Irving Park, Isenhour, Jackson Creek, Jackson Hamlet, Jackson Hill, Jackson Springs, Jakesville, Jamestown, Jefferson Village, Jersey, Jerusalem, Johnsons Crossing, Jonesboro Heights, Jonestown, Jubilee, Jubilee Acres, Julian, Just Crossroads, Kentwood, Kernersville, Kimberly Acres, Kimesville, Kings Crossroads, Kirkman Crossroad, Kirkwood, Koontzville, Lake Daniel, Lake in the Pine, Lakeview, Lakeview Estates, Lakewood, Lambert, Latham Park, Latham Town, Laurel Wood Hills, Lemon Springs, Lenox Castle, Level Cross, Lewisville, Lexington, Liberty, Liberty Hill, Light, Linberry, Lindley Park, Lineberger Acres, Linwood, Lodonberry Estates, Loftin Farms, Lovejoy, Maine, Mallard Lakes, Mandale, Mangum, Manly, Martha, Martins Store, Matkins, McAdoo Heights, McCray, McLeansville, Meadowbrook Estates, Meadowview, Mebane, Mechanic, Melanchton, Melborne Heights, Melville, Merriweather Estates, Michfield, Midway, Miles, Miles Crossroad, Mill Brook, Millboro, Millingport, Misenheimer, Mocksville, Moncure, Monroeton, Monroetown, Monticello, Montview, Morgan Ford, Morgantown, Morningside Manor, Motleta, Mount Gilead, Mount Mitchell, Mount Pleasant, Mount Tabor, Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon Springs, Mount Zion, Mountain View Estates, Muddy Creek, Mundo Vista, Murdocksville, Narrow Ridge, Nestleway Acres, New Gilead, New London, New Market, Newsom, Niagara, Nocho Park, Norman, North Asheboro, North Cooleemee, North Hyde Park, North Shore, North Springhaven, North Winston, Norwood, Norwood Beach, Oak Cliffs, Oak Crest, Oak Hollow Lake, Oak Ridge, Oakboro, Oaks, Oakview, Oakwood, Oakwood Acres, Ogburn Station, Ogburns Crossroads, Okeewemee, Old Hollow Estates, Old Mill, Oldtown, Onvil, Ophir, Orange Grove, Orchard Hills, Osceola, Osgood, Ossipee, Palestine, Palmerville, Park Terrace, Parks Crossroads, Parkwood, Parkwood Lake, Pauls Crossing, Pekin, Perry Hills, Petersville, Pfafftown, Piedmont Heights, Pilot, Pine Haven, Pine Knolls, Pinecrest, Pinecroft, Pinehurst, Pinewood Forest, Piney Mountain Estates, Pinson, Pisgah, Pittsboro, Plain View, Plantation Acres, Pleasant Garden, Pleasantville, Plyer, Pomona, Pooletown, Porter, Progress, Proximity, Putnam, Raintree Estates, Ramseur, Randleman, Random Woods, Rankin, Ravenwood, Red Cross, Redcross, Redding Hills, Redland, Reeds Crossroads, Reedy Creek, Refuge Mission, Revolution, Reynolda, Reynolda Park, Richfield, Ridgeview Acres, Ridgewood Acres, Rimer, River Haven, River Ridge Run, Robbins, Roberdo, Robins Nest, Rock Creek, Rockwell, Rolling Acres, Rolling Hills, Rolling Park, Rollingreen, Rosemont, Rosser, Rowan Mills, Roxana, Rubyatt, Rudd, Rural Hall, Saint Martin, Salisbury, Samarcand, Sandy Grove, Sandy Ridge Terrace, Sanford, Sapona, Sapona Lakes, Saxapahaw, Scalesville, Scott Park, Seaforth, Seagrove, Sedalia, Sedge Garden, Sedge-Town, Sedgefield, Seven Lakes, Seward, Shalimar, Shannon Park, Sherwood Park, Sherwood Village, Shupings Mill, Siler City, Silk Hope, Silver Hill, Silver Valley, Skyview Park, Smith Grove, Smokerise, Snow Camp, Snyder, Sophia, South Fork, South Salisbury, South Side, Southern Pines, Southmont, Spencer, Spies, Springfield, Springhaven, Staley, Stanleyville, Star, Starmount Forest, Steeds, Stewarts Mill, Stokesburg, Stokesdale, Stones Throw, Stonewood Acres, Stony Creek, Sugarloaf Shores, Summerfield, Sunset Hills, Sutphin, Swaimtown, Swepsonville, Talleys Crossing, Taylortown, Teaguetown, Teer, Temora Lake Estates, Terra Cotta, Terrells, The Oaks, Thomas Crossroads, Thomasville, Timbercreek, Tower Gate, Trading Ford, Tramway, Trinity, Trinity Park, Troxlers Mill, Troy, Tyro, Ulah, Union Cross, Union Ridge, Union Terrace, Uwharrie, Valley Oaks, Valley View, Vandalia, Vass, Vienna, Vienna Forest, Wadeville, Walkertown, Wallburg, Walnut Cove, Walser, Waterford, Watership Downs, Watson Village, Watts Crossroads, Waughtown, Welcome, Wellington Way, Wescliff, West End, West Highlands, West Oaks, West Philadelphia, West Salem, Westcliff, Westerwood, Westmore, Westridge, Westview, Westwood, Whispering Pines, White Cross, White Hill, White Oak Heights, Whitney, Whitsett, Williamsburg Square, Willowbend, Wilsonville, Wind Blow, Windsor Hills, Winningham Farm, Winston-Salem, Wittys Crossroads, Wood Lee, Woodbine, Woodbridge Run, Woodcrest, Woodlawn, Woodleaf, Woodrun, Worthville, Yadkin, Yadkin Junction, Yorktown, Yow Mill, Zion Grove
We offer Fencing services for the following zip codes:
27006, 27009, 27010, 27012, 27014, 27019, 27023, 27028, 27040, 27045, 27051, 27052, 27054, 27094, 27098, 27099, 27101, 27102, 27103, 27104, 27105, 27106, 27107, 27108, 27109, 27110, 27111, 27113, 27114, 27115, 27116, 27117, 27120, 27127, 27130, 27150, 27151, 27152, 27155, 27156, 27157, 27198, 27199, 27201, 27202, 27203, 27204, 27205, 27207, 27208, 27209, 27213, 27214, 27215, 27216, 27217, 27220, 27228, 27229, 27230, 27233, 27235, 27237, 27239, 27242, 27243, 27244, 27247, 27248, 27249, 27252, 27253, 27256, 27258, 27259, 27260, 27261, 27262, 27263, 27264, 27265, 27281, 27282, 27283, 27284, 27285, 27292, 27293, 27294, 27295, 27298, 27299, 27301, 27302, 27306, 27310, 27312, 27313, 27316, 27317, 27323, 27325, 27330, 27331, 27332, 27340, 27341, 27342, 27344, 27349, 27350, 27351, 27355, 27356, 27357, 27358, 27359, 27360, 27361, 27370, 27371, 27373, 27374, 27376, 27377, 27395, 27401, 27402, 27403, 27404, 27405, 27406, 27407, 27408, 27409, 27410, 27411, 27412, 27413, 27415, 27416, 27417, 27419, 27420, 27425, 27427, 27429, 27435, 27438, 27455, 27480, 27495, 27497, 27498, 27499, 27510, 27515, 27516, 27559, 28001, 28002, 28009, 28023, 28026, 28039, 28041, 28071, 28072, 28109, 28124, 28127, 28128, 28129, 28137, 28138, 28144, 28145, 28146, 28147, 28159, 28163, 28326, 28327, 28338, 28350, 28355, 28367, 28370, 28374, 28387, 28388